Simply the most innovative, intuitive, and affordable enterprise case management software for public, for-profit or non-profit social services organization.
Whether your organization places recipients of public assistance in employment or stabilizes low- to moderate-income families in affordable housing or assists individuals or families achieve their goals, finally you have a solution that can help you fulfill your mandate at a fraction of the cost of conventional case management solutions.

Assessforce is a disruptive force among case management solutions. It embeds advanced features, functionality, and content with a singular focus on making social services more effective.
Our mission is simple: empower social services organizations to improve services, achieve better outcomes, and make a bigger impact on the lives of individuals and families they serve. We pursue this mission by reimagining the delivery of social services. We conceived and built Assessforce from the ground up to transcend process automation, ease-of-use, and data analytics.

To help you make a bigger impact on the lives of individuals and families you serve, Assessforce is rooted in capabilities that sprout “effectiveness”.

Capabilities that augment the capacity of your staff

Capabilities that improve the way services are delivered

Capabilities that inform what works, what does not and why

With Assessforce, your coaches spend less time clicking and typing, and more time talking to customers.
Designed to amplify the irreplaceable human touch integral to delivery of human services, Assessforce minimizes the data entry workload for your staff while balancing the need to capture data for program compliance, process management, reporting and data analysis. Your staff can focus on those elements that are critical to customer success: relationship building, listening, coaching, motivating, guiding, and having critical conversations.

Assessforce is the smart case management software that you’ve longed for. No gimmicks or stunts. No dubious claims or bait-and-switch. No lipstick on a pig. Experience sheer robustness, creativity, and innovation.
No matter how big or small your organization, you have access to the entire breadth of capabilities included in the enterprise version of Assessforce. Mix and match modules and functionality to fit your needs. Tailor your content to your requirements. Best of all, pay for only what you need and for what you use.