We know how important and transformative your work is. We understand the challenges you face and the constraints you operate under. In addition to helping you achieve better outcomes, Assessforce is engineered to be…

Easy to learn and fun to use
Thanks to its intuitive design and uncluttered user interface, it takes at most one day for your users to be fully trained and become proficient at using Assessforce. By incorporating the latest UI/UX technologies, Assessforce creates an optimal user experience wherever you decide to work from and whatever device you use.

Comprehensive and collaborative
Assessforce supports every step and every activity in your case management lifecycle. By enabling you to delegate operational responsibility to other departments or providers, Assessforce mirrors how you work. You can foster collaboration and coordination without compromising privacy and confidentiality by controlling who can access what.


Activities of the case management lifecycle are designed and built as independent modules that can interoperate. You can mix and match modules to fit Assessforce to your processes and requirements thereby ensuring that Assessforce is everything you need and nothing that you don’t.
Engineered to integrate
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and standards-based interfaces simplify communications with your existing applications, whether to retrieve or transfer data. There is no need to re-key information and all your applications remain in sync without the need for human intervention. Our approach, technology and process for retrieving data from external applications are robust and state-of-the-art.


Flexible and configurable
Non-technical staff can create and maintain all content because there is no coding involved (i.e. no code software). Everything else is configurable (i.e. low code software) which makes Assessforce easy to match to your requirements. As a low code/no code software, Assessforce provides you an unparalleled level of agility which means you can evolve the software and the underlying content as your business needs change.
Quick to deploy
You can add content to your instance of Assessforce from our extensive content library at the click of the mouse and then customize it to your needs. Because you don’t have to create content from scratch and don’t have to code any of it, we can target going live within 90 days which lowers your implementation costs.


Built using 100% open-source technologies, Assessforce is not encumbered with expensive and proprietary components and add-ons. We also believe that well-designed and innovative software should be priced for use by every organization driven to achieve better social outcomes. This is why no comparable solution can compete with us on pricing.
SaaS-based and cloud-based
Our SaaS-based pricing model is straightforward, transparent, and reflect how much you use Assessforce and the value you derive. Our fixed monthly license fee is all-inclusive: technical support, bug fixes, enhancements, upgrades, new features and functionality, server monitoring and maintenance. You don’t have to dedicate any of your staff to maintain Assessforce or incur any additional costs. Being cloud-based allows us to execute all these tasks seamlessly which minimizes downtime and disruptions.


Notwithstanding the fact that your instance of Assessforce and data sit in Amazon Web Services’ cloud, one of the most secured cloud infrastructures, we are proactive about security. We use an array of approaches and practices to ensure that your application and data are secure and remain secure.
Unless you have to maintain or file a hard copy of a document, there is zero need for paper when you use Assessforce. Everything is electronic, including the ability to sign forms. Your resource guides are directly accessible in Assessforce ensuring that staff have access to the most of up-to-date information. Users can also access our searchable and easy-to-read user manuals in Assessforce thereby making sure that your staff is making full use of the system.


We know how applications can slow down and grind to a halt as transaction volume increases. We’ve seen how simply increasing computing capacity does not solve underlying architectural deficiencies. We’ve witnessed how frustrating this is for users and how it can make or break an application. Performance optimization is front and center for us. We use a host of architectural and technical approaches to ensure that performance does not degrade as usage increases and as the database grows.
65+ out-of-the-box visualization charts and data extracts provide you and your staff operational visibility into every aspect of the case management lifecycle. This promotes transparency, instills accountability, strengthens process compliance, and supports optimization of finite resources. Custom visualization charts put critical, actionable, and real-time business intelligence at your fingertips so you understand what works, what doesn’t, and why.


Rapid Cycle Experimentation is a powerful tool for improving programs and building evidence through small tests of change. Whether the change is a new approach to engaging customers or a simple “nudge”, experimentation can be the engine for continuous program innovation. Assessforce’s extreme flexibility makes experimentation easy and cost-effective.
Two-generation compliant
Whether you refer to your approach as two-generation, intergenerational, multi-generational or whole-family, with Assessforce, you can contemporaneously serve the entire family and start to break the cycle of inter-generational poverty and help families achieve economic stability. More importantly, Assessforce enables you to coordinate care and services across providers.