Like the individuals and families they serve, social services organizations have unique needs and requirements. We offer 3 distinct solutions that can be further configured to fit Assessforce to your processes and workflows and not the other way around.

Assessforce SCM
Assessforce SCM (service and case management) is a visionary and powerful case management solution that empowers frontline professionals to be better at serving individuals and families, improves the way services are delivered (i.e. the case management process), and informs the effectiveness of services. Core modules cover the entire spectrum of activities involved in delivering a social service. Supporting modules reinforce the core, drive automation, productivity and efficiency, and foster a “whole family” approach to service delivery. Advanced features, functionality, and content are engineered by incorporating science and evidence-based or emerging practices with a singular focus on making social services more effective.
Assessforce MAP
Assessforce MAP (multi-assessment platform) improves the objectivity and consistency of decisions by unlocking the power of Algorithm-Informed Decision-Making (AIDM). Whether the need is to determine eligibility, triage customers for services or inform referrals and interventions over the entire service lifecycle based on the customer’s presenting needs and circumstances, Assessforce minimizes cognitive biases inherent in human decision-making under uncertainty. Custom-fitted to every organization, the target population, and the organization’s service model, our assessments and underlying algorithms empower your counselors and case managers to make informed, objective and consistent decisions at all times.

Assessforce MAP
Assessforce MAP (multi-assessment platform) improves the objectivity and consistency of decisions by unlocking the power of Algorithm-Informed Decision-Making (AIDM). Whether the need is to determine eligibility, triage customers for services or inform referrals and interventions over the entire service lifecycle based on the customer’s presenting needs and circumstances, Assessforce minimizes cognitive biases inherent in human decision-making under uncertainty. Custom-fitted to every organization, the target population, and the organization’s service model, our assessments and underlying algorithms empower your counselors and case managers to make informed, objective and consistent decisions at all times.

Assessforce WPM
Assessforce WPM (work participation management) streamlines capture, monitoring, and reporting of customer participation in work activities with rigor, flexibility and accuracy. It combines the functionality of a robust and decentralized time reporting solution with features that cater to the nuances and realities of tracking work participation and supporting documentation for the purposes of programmatic compliance. Designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing applications, Assessforce WPM can be extended to your ecosystem of community-based providers to eliminate the costs and administrative burden of capturing community and volunteer hours.